Africa as a continent has been dependant on the extraction of its natural resources to support its own development and well being. International trade has always been hailed as the backbone for long term growth but unfortunately has not benefitted Africa as much as expected.

Africa is dependant on the development of its mining industry for the good of its current generation and its future generations to come. Africa and in particular DRC, requires sustainable, fair and equitable management of its national resources to benefit the population.

This being said might seem like all the responsibility lies on the shoulders of Africa but is that the case…

The international community underestimates how important is to give Africa the importance it deserves as the world is just as dependant on Africa as Africa is dependant on it.

If the western world sets its targets on transitioning to a greener, low carbon and electrified future, Africa cannot be ignored. If we wish to communicate with ease, charge our cars, Africa cannot be left on the wayside. Its should be in everyone’s best interest to support the development of African resources in a sustainable and equitable way.

To highlight the current situation in numbers:


60% of the worlds cobalt today is sourced from DRC


South Africa is the world largest producer of manganese


Two of the largest Tin deposits and mines find itself on the African continent


The world largest Hard Rock Lithium deposit is in DRC


Besides China, Africa has the largest deposits of Rare-Earths


% of the supplied Tantalum originates from Africa

This trend will be not be dissipating anytime soon and when certain countries wake up to how important Africa actually is, it might be too late.

Africa will go from the “take from” to the “go to” status and this is beneficial to all of humanity. For us to prosper, Africa must prosper just as much. Our future, plus theirs, lies in the sustainable and equitable development of its resources.

It is time to find the champions of Africa